I am sure of many things, which Greg can readily confirm. Every now and then what I know to be true turns out to not be so, but this is not one of those times. You see, I am sure that one of the things that makes our home what it is, that makes it ours, that makes it feel so dang good, is the music that fills it. Music is ever present in our house, as it has been my whole life. While I do the dishes, soft music, Leonard Cohen or maybe the Amelie soundtrack, fills my mind with wonder and dreams of wander. Gathering piles of clean laundry, the girls’ arms outstretched, Aretha singing “You Send Me” has us dancing down the hallway, the girls jumping and singing on the bed while the clothes find their rightful home. When Joni Mitchell singing “Big Yellow Taxi” starts to play, both girls yell “Cabin!” at the top of their lungs as they are reminded of our incessant listening to that song while on our wildflower picking adventures. Music has the power to transport our minds and transform our moods. Often, when the girls and I are having a tough day, music will help us reset and find a bit of joy that can carry us through. I will sit at the piano for a bit or ask Eliza what music she wants to listen to, and sure enough, we are able to move on from a tantrum or a frustration with a ballerina spin and a wooden spoon as a mic. And I have to say, nothing brings me more joy than Eliza telling me, “Mom, Nat King Cole is singing!” or her singing word for word with Ella Fitzgerald, Amos Lee, or Leon Bridges.
This summer playlist has become one of our absolute favorites. It is pretty consistently playing on shuffle wherever we are found. There are classics that never get old and newer songs and artists that have quickly become some of my favorites. It is soulful, playful, relaxing, and fun. The perfect background music (we had it playing at my cousin’s bridal shower) that you can turn up and dance to when, on those long summer nights, the party thins out. I hope this music can accompany you through a joyous summer and maybe bring a smile to your face when the day seems to have gotten the better of you. I know it will be doing the same around our house!
For the playlist, click here:
Here Comes the Sun – Songs for Summer

For a spring playlist click here, and an autumn playlist click here.